Once upon a time...

3 months and older
Reading time is special. Particularly when the evening story turns into an activity: reading, curling, zipping, ... Cloth book or cardboard book? As many flips and flaps as there are stories to discover. And as of what age can we let our child enjoy the benefits of reading? From the stimulation book to the bath book, discover colourful characters, sounds and materials to titillate the imagination of every child, whatever their age.
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Reading ritual

The benefits of reading begin at a young age. If you don't know which book to choose for your child, we have books adapted for all ages: stimulation books, cloth (picture) or sensory books that stimulate the senses such as touch from the age of 3 months, bath books from the age of 12 months or even cardboard books for older children, sometimes even accompanied by the sounds of funny animals! Reading enables the little one to understand, discover his emotions and later to learn to read. Take the time during the day or in the evening to read a book with your child: establishing a daily habit with your child will reassure him/her and this routine will strengthen your mutual bond.

Stories full of characters

Our illustrated stories are ideal to amaze your child with their many characters who live their adventures throughout the pages. Telling a story, a tale, is instructive and beneficial for your toddler: he likes to see and hear them to fall asleep if it is the evening story. Our creative mums haven't finished surprising you with all these books full of colourful animals!